By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

Our founding fathers have laid a path that we should search for, walk along side, and thank God for their wisdom....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

first time at this

So here goes..I am a Baptist minister, former Ranger, and current what is a prepper...well it is a person that does just that preps for a SHTF event. I have noticed over the last few months that there seem to be more of us then ever. I feel it is because the world is going down the toilet, and fast. With all of the economic crud going on in Europe, our econimic issues here in the good old USA, and the more frequent "terrorist" attacks.

The latest being in New York in times square...i think this might have been a botched attempt, but i think it was more of a practice run at a dirty bomb, or something just as bad. I feel they wanted to see how we would react, kind of like the failed underwear let me say i am not a conspiracy guy, this is a lone feeling...And i might be way off base...those could have just been idiots that failed...

So with that out of the way, I want to start simple. Water. We need water or we die....yes i think we all know it, but i am not sure as to how serious it is. Three (3) days with out water and you are in severe dehydration. The average American does not drink 1 gallon a day, that is the recommended amount, but we instead supplement it with soda, energy drinks, and other sugar filled drinks. Start slow, drink your one gallon a day...drink nothing else..NOTHING else and see the difference it makes.

So start here. 1 gallon a day. the next step is to start storing 1 gal. per day per person. Start with a one month supply. For me and my family that would mean 120 this water needs to pure drinking water. This is for a family of 4...for 1 month...

So how do you store it? Well, for a one month it can be as simple as bottles of water, gallon jugs of water, 2 gallon jugs, or the best way, large containers. 30 gal. and 55 gal. food grade containers are the best. I am not affiliated with any company, so when i recommend one, it is because it is the best deals i can find...if i find better ones, i will let you know. So here is my first one- emergency essentials- here is a link-

this will take you directly to their water storage. These are food grade, new containers and are the cheapest i can find.

Once you start storing water, i would recommend jumping to a 3 month's a lot of water, but it is the most important part of long term survival, PERIOD! i know that this may sound extreme, but trust me and a lot of research... you need this...

When storing the water you need to make sure you either rotate the supply or use long term purification..there are many ways of doing this. the finest i have seen is called "Water Preserver"...seems right on the money. This stuff will allow you to store water for up to five years...nice! Another method is shock!, like you would use in a pool. now this took me aback. but in small doses this stuff lasts longer than any other option, and is cheaper than all other options. there is a web site set up by the EPA giving specific amounts of the this stuff-

It is safe and effective, plus super cheap.

Other things to consider. Keep you water off of the concrete. Even in heavy food grade barrels chemicals can leach into the water and ruin it. a simple piece of plywood under the barrels is fine. Better yet, a storage rack for the barrels is the best. Also, if you are using 30 or 55 gal. drums, a bung wrench is a required tool along with a hand pump.

No matter how you store it, start smart...start now.

Do this in small steps, start with water, and start small...start buying an extra case or 2 every time you go to the store...

Aldi's sells it for $2.50 a case, Wal-Mart is around $3.00 a case...just start, and start now...

Until the next episode, may God keep you and yours safe


  1. Water is one of the first life lines you'll need. Good job on covering the basics of water storage - especially regarding the concrete. I'm fortunate in some ways where I live - I have my own well, plus backup electricity - not that I should count solely on that. My point being that in my geographical region potable water containers sales are as commonplace as laundromats in some cities. I'll get some prices for you from the local supplier for reference. They carry containers up to 3,000 gallons and those used to run in the neighborhood of $280 before delivery.

  2. Keith, if you do find a price like that please let me know...i would like to have one container over the 8 that i need...
